WALDLEBEN and the ZTV-Baumpflege

Revised in February 2006, the ZTV-Baumpflege defines its objective as follows:
The aim of arboriculture is to produce trees that are as vital and healthy as possible as well as posing no risk to traffic.
This presupposes a properly proportioned, protected and ecologically suitable tree environment. ...
WALDLEBEN is both a soil adjuvant and a plant resistance improver. It promotes root growth in particular and can therefore be tendered in all the cases cited in the ZTV:
Chapter 3.4.5 Sapwood and heartwood decay
... If the decay is extensive, it must be checked whether the resistance to breaking and the stability of the tree remain intact and whether its vitality can be improved by taking action to improve its location.
Chapter 3.5.1 Treatment of root damage
... Damaged roots should be treated with a soil adjuvant to promote root growth.
Chapter 3.6.1 Improving the tree environment
... the physical, chemical and/or biological properties of the soil are to be improved such that the soil structure in the area of the roots is stabilized as permanently as possible ... and root growth is improved. ...
The regeneration of roots can be promoted by root-stimulating soil adjuvants.
In further chapters measures are described that can be supported by WALDLEBEN:
Chapter 3.4.2 Treatment of new and surface bark stripping
... The wound should first be moistened with water and then covered completely. The film should be removed following a growing season, at most after 12 months.
In place of water, as specified in the ZTV, the low-viscosity WALDLEBEN should be sprayed on. Wound healing, thus both callus formation and the regeneration of bark on the callus, is considerably accelerated by WALDLEBEN.
The ZTV-Baumpflege is published by the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V. (FLL) (The Landscape Research, Development & Construction Society).
Date: 18.05.2006